By Elmer Whittaker
Start to familiarize yourself with the US
Constitution with its Bill of Rights along with the Declaration of Independence
and other founding documents like the Federalist Papers as well as the Constitution
of the State of Nevada.
· Become knowledgeable and informed about how the political system and processes work here in the United States and in the state and community in which you live.
Realize, practice and insist on your given
Inform Yourself
Sign up to receive helpful newsletters and
Participate and comment in Blogs, Forums and
On-line Newspapers
Create a Blog or a Website of your own
Submit frequent letters to newspaper, magazine,
radio and television editors
Use your phone and share your views on
talk-radio shows
Write or publish a news column
Join likeminded activists or political community
Take pictures, audio and video of all noteworthy
events as "evidence". Write a short report as reminder afterwards
File Complaints against corrupt, rude, unwilling
and incompetent officers, inspectors, bureaucrats and other city and county
Donate to and support worthy causes and groups
Fight and work FOR something and not AGAINST
Participate in City and County meetings
Distribute flyers for a political cause
Testify at public hearings
Choose to take sides
Volunteer to work in political campaigns
Widely distribute signs and literature for a
cause or candidate
Hold regular gatherings in your home or
community to discuss and promote the cause of liberty
Organize a rally, large or small, to publicize
an important cause or issue
Report and inform the local media about
important issues or hidden agendas
Lead or get involved in a worthy petition drive
Demonstrate for your rights, justice and liberty
Practice Civil Disobedience
Use social media to further political causes
Get actively involved in a major or possible
third political party in your State
Police the Police
Run for a local or higher public office
Promote your causes with bumper stickers,
t-shirts and signs
Vote in local, statewide and national elections
Speak out against injustice
"The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who
remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." - Dr. Martin Luther King